About Us

MARKET NICHE; We do plumbing remodels. We can do ANY kind of plumbing repairs. We are repair specialist. We can do drain stoppages and repairs. We can do sprinkler repairs. We can do sump pump systems and repairs. We can do custom homes from the ground up. With all these plumbing Abilities it makes it easier to stay busy.
MARKETING PLAN; It’s a common sense approach; good work at honest prices. With a company you can trust.
CUSTOMER BASE; We do have many 25 year customers. It’s all about repeat business. Most of my customers when calling for work to be done usually don’t even ask how much, they just trust us and want us to do the work. An estimate for revenue is 70% residential and 30% commercial.
COMPETITION; There are many plumbing companies out there. There is a lot of unscrupulous practices out there, with overselling and just very high prices. Sometimes some of our customers will wander away. When they find out that the work is not as good and the prices are higher, They come back.
We have found out that customers do call for estimates for certain types of job, mostly sewer repairs and have been seriously over priced and complete replacement, which is not needed. We come out clear the main, tell them what condition it is in. Most of the time its in fair condition and put them on a maintenance schedule depending on the condition of the sewer main.
From that point they don’t want anyone else out there because they don’t trust them. We are able to make their existing sewer main last many more years.
OPERATIONS; What I strive for efficiency and low overhead. This is a big help with your profit margin.
This a big reason why I have an inventory. A lot of plumbers lose to much time going and waiting at the supply house. I can just pull from on hand inventory. I can phone the supply house and they will deliver it to my shop location for stock. This helps me bill out as many hours as possible.
A big factor is a fully stocked truck. We roll up, there isn’t to much we can’t take care of on the spot. This makes us efficient and keeps the customers invoice down and we don’t have to come back to that job. Clients are impressed with the truck and its capacities.
GROWTH AND EXPANSION OPPORTUNITIES; A new owner could be very aggressive with advertising. I have not.
BUSINESS RISKS / REWARDS; There are risks being self employed, But the rewards are HUGE.
I always say a good common sense approach works most of the time. The thing about plumbing it has no changed that much in the 50 years that I have been doing it. It is a service that is always going to be needed. You can’t tell me they are going to somehow change all the house .
If they have a sewer main stoppage, they will transfer money out of their savings to get it corrected promptly, this something they can’t put off.
That is why we offer maintenance on a regular basis… as I tell my customers stoppages never happen at a good time. This is a trade most people can not do, that is why it pays a good hourly amount. There can be lots of tools involved which are on my truck.
There are many tricks to the trade that can only be known if you work in the trade. There can be new technologies but if you work in the trade, and have experience they are not that hard to master. This trade offers job security for probably your working years, It has mine.